Monday, February 15, 2010

The Magic of Plastic Wrap

Plastic Wrap Tips:

(I'll start with the obvious)

- Use it to wrap up those left overs, or a plastic bag, rather than a container. If you're like me and rarely get to those left overs but can't stand to throw away good food, it makes clean up a breeze. Just throw it out when you find it shoved deep in the back of the fridge and you won't need to clean any old food out of those dishes you put it in.

- Place it on the surface of cooked pudding or pie filling immediately after pouring to prevent a skin from forming.

Use a piece of it the length of your pan for ease in pressing down rice crispy treats or crumb crusts and keep your hands mess free.

Keep ice cream smooth
Ever notice how ice crystals form on ice cream in the freezer once the container has been opened? The ice cream will stay smooth and free of those annoying, yucky crystals if you rewrap the container completely in plastic wrap before you return it to the freezer.

- Keep fridge top forever clean
Make the next time you clean the top of your refrigerator the last time. After you've gotten it all clean and shiny, cover the top with overlapping sheets of plastic wrap. Next time it's due for a cleaning, all you need do is remove the old sheets, toss them in the trash, and replace with new layers of wrap.

- It will improve your grip on those hard to open jar lids.

- If the wrap end gets lost on the roll use a piece of tape to find the end by placing the sticky side of the tape on the plastic wrap and pulling forward.

I came across several household uses, but I chose to include those that were closely related to food and kitchen tips.


  1. I think I'll try the top of the fridge solution and nice to have another idea for opening tight jars.

  2. I love the top of the fridge keep clean idea, and also to put on top of icecream - we end up wasting icecream sometimes because of the yucky crystals!! Thanks

  3. That top of the fridge tip is going to change my life! Thanks!
